The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

--v-ny 'r SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE. SEYMOUR. INDIANA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2(1, 1023. 1 ATABLEFQRTHE-DOLL HOUSL For Calumet quality purity or economvrThere-are-no-substx tutes for the pure, wholesome bakings produced through use of teas SB DROP IN TQ PLATTER'S STUDIO and have those PHOTOGRAPHS Made For Christmas THE WORLD'S GREATEST 7 PALC3 a', TPf3 TRQyi AWT OTZTTZl EAWD urr st TUT seylot purre co will doubtless -keep the inhabitants lar piece which tbe brace for the end pieces or legs. Sandpaper all rough edges.

Lay the top of the table flat with the bottom side up. Where the dotted lines on tbe pattern Indicate, place the brace piece on Its edge md glue in. this position. Put the two end pieces In The little table shown In the ketch Is for a doll house and Is easily-made from a cigar box, trace the outline given for the top of the table to tbe top of a cigar box, and cut It out with a fine saw. Trace two of the end pieces, and cut them out Now Cut out the little rectangu i MTIJj WORK AND BUILDINO MATERIAL.

PAINTS AND OILS. BUILDERS' IIARDWARE. Town Crier Loses Title; Old Derby Cause of Abertidwr from having any peace place and glue them to the top of the table and to tb brace. When the glue is dry paint tbe table In. any color desired with enamel paiat.

for nianytdays' to come. By International News Serr ice. fog the champion town crier of) William Powell, of Pehrchiwceiber, tl.o Rr ln n. iiie UU lue ki5Wmi London, OcL hand-belk, tLol Pewscy', Wiltshire, was the scene, I of a seven-mile voice, was unplaced, cordant clanging of STELPHENSON- TRIALS JURY Phone 19. 418 S.

Chestnut St. vSeymonr, Indiana. flomer Thomas, of chiefly because ho forgot that the cheers of their supporters, SELECTION HANGS FIRE II 1 1 I ared dogs, Wales, was eventually declared the affair was ceremonial occasion. known to all and I lie trut li fih'nll make us We thank you most sincerely for, this welcome and your many manifestations made in our asking him where Lnncsvillc is located, he nisually adds that it is. in' Ilnrrison county.

Everj'ono knows Mr. Lyskowinski of Ins vociferous barking of sc Ro elinmninns lin tunieu up iu wwra uiul-h uuni nineteen grown men recently cried, winner. New Ruling Of Judge May Cause brand new and a black derbjvIu addition, the hernlsor-o1rf2STin(f tr i. name and those who know him like blessings of honor. -t-H It To Carry Over Entire "Wteek.

r. pros- their hardest one alter another in an attempt to qualify for the honor r.hnmi,ionsbin hell, with which he-, Holders ot ttio championship Purc-WholcGomo 1 fc your ran him because he is a dandy, fine fellow, igcments had previously declared pcrity end happihesn cjnie to t. it was not- so; muchivolume as city and coqnty Br International News Service. that Followiilg the public- exerciscg-the 0tv 20.Aruling by Tho. county, fair has its lions and city- county committee accom Judge ill Sparks, that any member of Hbo temporarily panied visiting Grangers to placcsi elephants and -the Grange has its of interest in the city and this com selected to' try D.

munity. Inspection of the Seymour sweetness of sound that would the championship. Each contestant hnd to take his stand upon an -upturned wooden dry poods box, pose, to the spectators, and then, to the accompaniment of his hand-bell, cry altout eifjlitv The local" vicar sat in a tent and with heroic impartiality record Bner.J. Er is Seward" of the Stale Grange. When he' is not busy with work of that organization he manages a big' farm near Leesburg.

Earl Gentry and mtl Kintk; for tho death of Madge Oberholtzer, I'eople who buy candy for children ,4 prefer our candy because of i its absolute purity. I KNOW IT 18 PURE BBCAUSE I MAKE IT. James Demas may, be challenged any, time pre vious to nhal acceptance of the Women arc well represented in; ju.ry as a whole, by both sides, Woolen Mills, Blisli Mills, Central Pharmacal Co. and the Sam B'olf Shoo Compnny. was planned and quite a number of the visitors were taken on automobile -trips into the country surrounding Scy mori f.

Tomorrow will mark the high tide of the Orange session it is believed ed the various crier's pood points, i promised-today, to the final selection of twelve men to try the the State Grange nnd also at the meeting here. Among the state officers who are women arc: Mrs. Eliza case over this week and possibly McClure, of Aurora, Mrs. Emma into ADDRESS IS GIVEN BY JUDGE A. COX Continued from pajre one) v'-vr'Niggef Hill.

f. W5 Lake, of Brisol, Mrs. Fred Baxter, Five men have -been temporarily h. J. Taber, Master of the National Grange, will address tlic state incjst-.

Mr. and Mrs. George Kotert mo- selected for the jury out of a at 9:30 o'clock at o'clock Questioned list of 15f 'durimr the tored to toiuraDUs Wednesday, of Hamilton, Mrs. Mary E. Miller, of Anderson, and Mrs.

Jfutli-. Mag-gert, of Ligonicr. mg and an hour Fair dealing in legislative sir davs of tho.triaL Not a sinclJ Mrs. Willard Bowman iand Miss later will give" a public address at the stmro on West. Swnnil utreot venireman 'remain-1 from tho first Martha Hehman shopped in Sey enactment and in all business practices.

These are American ideals and the-very essence of American independence dav'n tcmDorarv selection. The iurv Wednesday. at ilelaV-is-caused. bv a section in the Mrs. Marion and daughter, Grange feels ihat It Is very fortunate "Lilwrty ix' nlway nrt for mo." in being able tq secure JkIrTaber overseer, who national figure, tin's lis attending the fifty-fifth session.

The business "jnd iuitiutory- se4-( IDs home is at Liberty, and ho Indiana law barrfns' alt men from Carrie, were in 8ymour Thnrsday, iiirv Kervico who have read testi- Miss Dora Bautc called on' Mrs. Orange is the. most practical and natural means of promoting all the interests of the rural people. It raouy of any witness in a criminal George Kotert Thursday, sions will be held Wednesday audi is a constant home booster. ugust Rotert and dajughter, Thursday and the Grange will ad case, lesumony oi tno acienaants Sophia, wero in -Seymour Thnrsday.

when they fought for bail was pub Carl nheker has a new Ford Fiddler, of Terr Haute, are dele lished in nearly all Indiana papers coupes to the state, meeting who are i last July. i gates contributes to the social life by the frequent meetings where the art of sociability is so agreeably taught (and by its literary programs. It eon-j tributes to the high moral standavl ifor both young and old. It is an order in which all can find some-I thing to enjoy. It contributes to the Mr.

-and iMrs. Henry Kotert and Search for Marian "Darr, mis- AMONG THE GRANGERS. sing girl witness, friend and aoror family -visited the lattcrV. 'sister, Mrs. George Meyer, of near Jones ity sister of Miss Oberholtzer, "Elkhart county will have a big representation said John W.

continucu today uy lnvesugaiors i "cuuiauaj ci.uiiiK. I .1 i an attempt to serve 'a subpoeuai pnu nnuur nucker wen much interested in the pr'ooeedinga They will be able to give a complete report. to-their Grange, when they return. "One of the finest livestock exhibits I've ever seen," was the enthusiastic comment of Grander wlio had jusfc returned fromlho display given in connection, with the on the young lady. No'trace of her Seymour Thursday on business.

materinl prosperity by its discussion nt nil iimiti-rs importance pertain-incr lncal development. It con -tribuli's lo the general intelliijeti'v Dunmire. of Elkhart, one of the early arrivals for the fifty-fifth annual meeting of the Indiana State Grange. That county' will send more than forty Grangers who will exem has been found. "Shorty' De- and Mrs.

Frank Dcvcrs were riese, another important state in Seymour Wednesday. 0U can get a degree, of enjoyment witness, was reported ready to Miss Lizzie Kuckcr was in Sey- just by looking at show windows plify the Fifth dogrce. Mr. Dunmire take the called. He will mour Friday.

tell of the motor trip from Indt George and Henry Rotert have annnolis to Hammond. which been Wading the roads. active, urange work-and is a I by its- frequent discussions of public questions and by the literature grams. -It- contributes to the genera) welfare by upbuiklin'the iiiiiil com- lnunity. It contributes to tlic fe ligiious life and patriotiism those county fair.

W. R. Gant, of Columbus, is the member of the executive committee ended in tho death of Mis9 Ob'cr-I Mrr and -Mrs. White visited; Grantro secretarv and a member of holtzer last March. i the formers parent here.

n. the credentials committee." He i Jacoo Brooks rand -family called who live jb' the open country. No PleasahtvllH "Who is 4 ha good -looking, well dressed gwitlcman over therct" asked one of the youmger Grange mcmber3ashu looked Clover the kept cn the jump looking after the on Arthur Ruckcr "and family Sun- day. Born to Mr. and Mrs.

Clyde Watts, seeing the clocks, radios, fountain pens you might like to own. But you can't be sure you'd like them till you know their unseen they do, how well they do it, how long they'll keep on doing it well details-of, the meeting, Grange can be legally opciicd withor jb.Ppco.Biblenthia-a flag of the Republic in place of of a daughter, Betty Jo. Mrs. Lizzie Jlucker entertained crowd at the lobby of the Hard Mrs Watts waa formerly, Miss Mrs. Robert Gocns, Mrs.

Goss and! Among tho peoplo from Wayne honor behind the master. csty Hotel headquarters, r- Bcrnico Doilds, of this place. countv who are here Js T. E. Kin- sons, Theodore and Kenneth, ana "This is an organization with a "wny, tnats Jesse Wewsom, our Little Wlliam Spray was Very ill daughter, Josie, and Mrs.

Lynn Rob- worthy, of Richmond. He is gate State Master," was the reply. gospel of service reaching from theJ keeper of the State Grange and II jr. uu iuo. tfuuu iconic iioneyouit and ravf is simply impossible to pet by, him 1 1 "Among other good things.

we were business caucrs iieaiora, muinn visited Lois and Violet Brooks unless one is equipped with tnc have Kome-wonderf ul scenery down Saturday. 1 Sunday. When you look at advertisem*nts, proper vocabulary. in ur- country," George Schumann. Several from attemtea tne pie i Miss Iouise Rotert spent th who lives near Hanover, remarked wheat in yett" "Only "Got your "'rvl -iuu "kill iiUl ttl CUU.

j. with manifest pride to. a group of saturaay riignt. ana Jlrs 1.011 i ntr Atlantic to the Pacific, working in hnrmnny with the God-made environment of (lie-American home-and as such it is one of our greatest institutions for the preservation of the ideal nnd traditions of the founders of the Republic. "Thus has the' Grange functioned for fifty-eight years and today faces the future with rank unimpaired and untiring efforts, with this lici'ililL'c niul its tremendous part of it." friends.

Mrs, Harry Dodds ppent last week family and Miss Irene McKinncy FURNA.CE MYSTERY FEARED witttj aer uaugntcr, airs, uiyuc spent jsunday in Freetown, it bcuiir "Yon. certainly grow' some fine ap units, uic oirtimny anniversary of Mra. an j'way," replied Charles- Jl, Mrs. oolcry, of Brflfwnstown, is Beck's father and dnnc-hter Believed of Human Victim, i. t.i r.

-0- Rigney, of Terre Ifautc. "I know because I have eaten some, from Found in unio scnooi. Gilbert, this weekl wicnilwrBttip, it is better able thin Carml, lllinob. The continuous rains have vc a rf rtwn here the hin Mr. Schumann and Mr.

Rigney ever before for the service which New Lexington, Ohio, 20. basket ball game at Crothersville, dered the arm work, greatly. arc both member of tho executive i he ---r hour demandSi- It mission- is Perry, county today Jiurnishcd-wlnit Saturday Albert Ackcrman and wife visited committee. authorities said might" be" another continuous," its" work is7never done. Mrs.

Creed Hall and son, John, of at L. Cross' last Thursday. "Furnace mystery." So long as human nature remains the Mcdora, and -Mrs. Mary Loekhart A. Poor and.

wife, of near En 'Every officer of the. Indiana Sate Sheriff Ilarlcy McXabb left at and son, of Muncie, visited the Ben Grange is registered at headquart noon for Columbus with a packet of field, were in Carmi, Wednesday, visiting with her children. Gilbert family, Sunday. ashes which he believes are those ers for tho meeting. One member remarked that one hundred per Clyde Ackcrman was a business Mr.

and Mrs. George Spray and of some fiend's victim. The ashes will be analyzed. you are looking at show windows that display not only what you see, but what you can't see. The product, its quality, use, pleasure to you.

All you want to kn0wbourityoursraglance7You deb't need to walk blocks to see what's new nor look at it in doubt. Nothing doubtful is offered. It can't be doubtful and be widely advertised. You are as sure of a product's worth as if you saw it in a asked about it, examined it, took it home and it. The facts in advertisem*nts are the facts of actual use, You can get more than enjoyment out of these show wmdows at home.

You can get solid economy. Mr. and Mrs. JSam Spray and chil- visitor in Carmi, Monday. cent, attendance of the officers was same, each succeeding generation must pass through a period of training.

Youth nust be educated, society must be maintained, and niade better the American farm homcj the preserver of our American civilization, must ba made self-sustaining, and PTeseryeiLin oal-ance I between Agriculture and Industry maintained and the returns AValter Huber, who has been tak church at Fairview, dren attended Drv R. R. Brooks, who examined a sure indication of a great meet ing. ing treatments: at Evansville, ia no Sunday. the ashes, said resemblance, was better.

a found, to the -of a- ajtow Guthrie Creelc1 Ray Satser has jsold hk propcrty and part of tho sphenoid 5 bone. Sliirlev Baker and family, of No member of the State Grange- is busier with tho meeting than" Oscar at Eldorado, and has moved to probably of a Child, wo fonts. for "fuluro-; residence. 3 llromd.he; AmMicanXarnijmust'he a EtCarleOnOfJacksoiOoanfy's Albert Iluber Mrs. Mary Lynscott, janitress, of mnl sb; .1 progressive and universally admir spend hi weation with his family.

remunerative for investment involved and labor expended as that ed farmers. Mr. Carter js treasurer local school, and -Miss, jIonis Barrett of Harrodburf. Mr. and, Sam Smith, of of tbe state as well as n-rnt, learner.

Jiv lastl- Vernon, Visited Walter The schoolyard has, been the scene of any MheCibasiness. Then wUIihe attra'tions of the- God-made environment of the farm home function Hiiber's, Saturday. treasurer of the Seymour urancpj He. has4ong been active in th fak of many- wild orgies, county authori-V flladyg Hutchinson, hb has heenj to the end.Umt we shall lways Four Corners. of the organisation and has a wide acquaintance among tho members.

have high minded boys and girls up: I Hohrv mi! Shirlev Baker and LpoWouit for a wedding soon. v. Um '7 -I' -Or Alviar Sutherland0 weritr.tq Haytteni lAlvia on the farm and enough to spare t' furnish the1 cities with Jonn uelmcr, or Indianapolis, vis-f f. As good as can be; made, inow oh Sunday." Mr, and Mrs. A Martin are a-mong tho Grange visitors.

Formerly itcd hero Sunday. v-v 1 doctors, captains of iri- sale at r. V- Price's Thomas Chase and of near Bedford, visited 'relatives here they lived in Elkhart 'county bnt now are residents of eastern Michi- dustry and judges. Over, eighty per. 3 cent, of "Who's Who" in America or tne convenience or bur cus Will Baurle bought some fat hogs from 'Adam Maschino last week.

There will- bo- a euchre party in "7" the hall, next TncsJay. Sunday I saw "the first light of -day ia'gan. Mr. Martin 'is lecturer "dfhe Several from this place attcnueu tomcrs have opened a down town store a 1 07 Chestnut where we American larra home. State Grange.

lib nrch Pleannnt RidffO Sunday Leo and Frank Masclano attended I "''And uew yOur honor, I have wui oe ciaa to servo. you we, Morofna-Tiiehtr "Is Lyskowinski heret wa also continue the sal of flowers at and Mrs. Clyde Hutchinson, -H 'tried to explain to you the nature of Srf i our order, it nim and ideal and the -Greenhouses. Phone 58 and-and i)abv wsitod triends at Har- asked several times1 today. "11c generally is" a little late," 3 I methods of i work so far a I fn.

123. ol5dlf i the ball game at Seymour, "Mrs. Joe of Seymour, spent TSunday with her parents. -r? social at Speck's school was a success. Mr.

and Mrs. Ned Higgins of In READ THE ADVERTIsem*nTS. THEY iat liberty to do so and trust thatjsome one answered. "But he will be I- Mr. and Mrs, WUhany Smith anil Tobacco is one of principal (dautrbter visited and Mrs, No- MAKE YOUR CHOOSING WISE.

prortwsis i ersia, uernnuai pro-( Wpf Morrisonr-of iibertvr Sunday dianapolis, visited home folks 3 jyou win nor repret me most pracioiiK. Here tomorrow." -i-j-irrirmri yoMfUM- ven-- -W ar ilreWtnkirhoe-initials-are J. jplcnpcd tii sec food enme, rijt in pn arrtv hero miififetfl 'ndjiiilj ihi inovuh.jr TTik for i' iurbnn pe.plc: hop' of the promptness -was upheld. lie lives nt ncnon ncinp esumsten at zj.hoh, ro Hflnnin. ATrtfn.

iof 000 day. Everyhodyi is planning of attend hara iha -iniptit of Mrs. i ill. I i I Lr. West Second street.

ing the fair at Seymour this week. OassiQc'J lUtUtUlUlllllUUliilUilltuUIIUIIIIDi? better dnji when! the truth shall be IrfineriilCj and to kepp people from 1.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.