The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

I Whole Family SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE EIGHT PAGES TODAY Newspaper for VOLUME XLIIL NO. -248 MAS. 6.A. SMITH RE ELECTEO HEAD Wife of Pastor of Church Here Is Honored Again Women's Missionary Body, COLUMBUS MEETING CLOSES Mrs. Mabel Kurtz, 4 of This City, Is Named Group Leader- The Rev.

Mr. Jeffrey Speaks. Mrs. Golden A. Smith, of Seymour, was re-elected president, and Mrs.

R. Ms Richmond, Aurora, was re-elected vice president of the Methodist Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the Seymour distriet Wednesday at the second day meeting of the forty eighth annual meeting, in progress at the Methodist church in Columbus, and their installation and the installing of other officers was the principal feat ture of Wednesday afternoon's program. Other officers elected are Mrs. Jen Martin, of Aurora, recording secretary; Mrs. Charles Libbert, of Auvora, treasurer.

Superintendents elected are: Mrs. Elizabeth Stout, of Madison, young people's superittendent; Miss Rose Robertson, Deputy, children's division; Mrs. Atansel, Indianapolis, extension; Mrs. Hallie Tevis, Brooksburg, tithing. Group leaders named include: Mrs.

Mable Kuntz, Seymour; Mrs. R. M. Riehmond, Aurora Mrs. Carl Glick, Mrs.

Effie Morrison, Hope; Mrs. Louise Grey Hunt, Mrs. Mary Calvert, Madison. All officers and group leaders were installed Wednesday afternoon at the close of the convention by the Rev. C.

Jeffrey, of Seymour. The convention Wednesday afternoon began with the usual devotionals followed by reports of commitfees and a prayer and missions period led by Mrs. E. P. Jones, of Indianapolis.

Missionary talks were given by four returned missionaries, including Anna Nelson from India; Cora L. Rabe, of China; Hazel Dav. is, of Manilla, and Anna Carson, of Manilla, the latter giving the principat address. The installation of ofSeers followed. Besides the election of officers there was a short talk by Mrs.

John! Ledgerwood, of Indianapolis, on extension work, a prayer and mission period led by Mrs. Jones, and a talk on children's work by Mrs. John Kohl, of Indianapolis. The Rev. Mr.

Jeffrey gave an address on: It Means to Be a Member of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society." In this he emphasized four points, that of consecration, of money, consecration of time, deep concern for all people and construction of self. Following noon-tide prayer luncheon was served in the dining room of the church. The meeting Wednesday was largely attended and according to those in charge the convention throughout bas been one of the largest and most successful ever held in the district. PISTOL AND REVOLVER TARGETS HAVE ARRIVED Will By Members Of The Vigilante Of The Jackson Bankers' Association. Sheriff Sherman Sneed has received the pistol and revolver targets for the County Bankers' Protective Association and they will he used by the members of the vigilante, organization, the members of which will be sworn in within a few days.

The targets are for indoor practice on a twenty-yard range. They measure about 10 inches across and have three center black rings, bout three inches across for the bulleye. Arms, and ammunition for the sociation have been ordered but' have not yet arrived. On and after October -16 the following retail milk prices will prevail: quarts 11e; pints, 7c. Single cream, half pints 11c, double cream, half pints, 22s.

Snyders Dairy. 016d Effective Detober 16, retail milk prices will be quarts 11 cents, pints 7 cents, double cream 22 cents, half pint, single cream 11 cents, half pint. F164 Newby. Dairy Co. SEYMOUR, INDIANA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1925.

PRICE THREE CENTS. Pittsburgh Champion In World's Baseball Series RALSTON DIES WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT HOME NEAR FUNERAL TO BE SATURDAY 2 P.M. "THE PIRATES" Death Takes One Of America's Most Outstanding Figures- Formerly Governor Of Indiana. WAS UNITED STATES SENATOR Several Months With Heart And Kidney Disorder- -Burial At Lebanon. DAWES' SPEECH CANCELLED By International News Service.

Indianapolis, October The public appearance here of Vice-president Charles G. Dawes. next Saturday was cancelled today owing to the death of Senator Samuel M. Ralston. "Senator.

Ralston's death is such a loss to. this community and to the entire United States that we decided to cancel the said F. S. Fishback, president of the Indianapolis chamber of commerce, sponsoring Dawes' visit. By International News Service.

Indianapolis, Indiana, October 15 -Samuel M. Ralston, Indiana's junior United States senator, and ex Governor, his died last night at 11 o'clock at estate, "Hoosier Home" northwest of Indianapolis, after an illness of several months. The senator was afflicted with heart and kidney disorder and death came as a result of uremic poisoning. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon at Lebanon in the Preshyterian church. 'Burial will be at the Lebanon cemetery.

The Rev. Dr. Orton H. Carmichael of Ithaca, N. will officiate, assisted by Rev.

Harvey Lumb, pastor of the Lebanon Preshyterian church. Dr. Carmichael held tIre pulpit at Lebanon when Mr. Ralston resided there and was a close personal friend of the Senator. Saturday morning at 11:30 To clock there will be a private funeral service at the Ralston farm home there, attended only by memhers and relatives of the immediate family, Rev.

Milner of the Second Presbyterian church of Indianapolis officiating. Then, at noon, the body will be placed aboard a special interurban car which will carry it to Lebanon. Tomorrow all day the body will Flie in state at the Ralston home here to permit friends and admirhers of Ralston to get a final glimpse of Indiana's former Mrs. Ralston would not consent to permitting the body to lie in state at the capitol. The end came peacefully after nearly twenty-four, hours of unconsciousness.

His immediate family, the physician and nurses were at the bedside. Mrs. Ralston, the senator's sons, Julian and Emmett: A daughter, Mrs. Ruth LaRue: Boyd M. Ralston, (Continued ion page 4) column PIRATES WIN WORLD'S SERIES THRILLING GAME, SCORE 9107 RAIN HOLDS UP WHEAT SOWING Estimated Only 30 Per Cent.

Of Jackson County Acreage, Has Been Planted. CLAY SOIL FARMERS SUFFER This Soil Kept Damp And Sticky By Intermittent Showers Less In Sand. Jackson county farmers have been I considerably delayed in planting their winter wheat crop by the inI termittent rains of the past two weeks. It is estimated that only about 30 per cent. of the acreage is in.

The sections of the county where clay soil predominates have been the hardest hit. Since the flyfree date, October 4, this type of soil in Jackson county has hardly been given a chance to dry off for even one day's sowing. The clay soil has held the water between rains and several days which might have been used for planting were spoiled for it, or. nearly so, by a fine drizzle which kept the surface damp and sticky. A good part of Jackson county tillable soil is sandy and in these sections planting of the grain did not suffer such a severe set-back, due to the fact the water drained out of the soil more quiekly.

Southern Bartholomew county so has felt the delay enused by the rainy season. A report from ville was to the effect that only about 60 per cent. of the acreage in that section had been planted. A rather careful observance of the fly -free date was made throughout Jackson county, according to all available information. It is said this precaution against the Hessian fly was taken by more farmers this fall than last.

Farmers see in this increasing observance eventual stamping out of the fly in this seetion of the state. HURRICANE WINDS AND HEAVY SNOWS REPORTED Communication Said To Be Tied Up In Sweden- -Two Ships Are Found. By International News Service Stockholm, Oct. 15 Hurricane winds and heavy snows have swept the Scandinavian coast. Two unidentified ships are reported to have foundered in Baltic, with all hands.

Heavy snows have tied up communication in Sweden. Dance. K. of P. Hall, Saturday night, October 17.

Royal Neighbors. Regular meeting Thursday night. Tip's Yellow Taxi. Any time, anywhere. Phone 447 Residence 67.

Tip Richardson. Rummage Sale Saturday. Under auspices of Psi Iota Xil Sorority, rear of Newson Hotel. Oct. 17.

Notice Eagles. Dues now due, Oct. 15 last day. J. A.

Reid, Secy. Pythian Sisters. Degree praetice, Friday night, 7:30 o'clock. J. H.

Jones, M. General Medicine Office, West Second street, Vehslage Building. Will visit any part of city or country day or night. Phone 338. ol7d J.

J. Peter warehouse now open. Household goods, merchandise, etc. West Sixth. Call Tom Sweaney, K- 511, custodian.

New bulk kraut. People's Grocery, Phone 170. We do "Printing That Pleases." WASHINGTON LED FOR 6 INNINGS Forty Thousand Fans Witness Great Comeback as Pittsburgh Overcomes Four Point Lead. PECKINPAUGH GETS HOMER Johnson Stays in Box. Throughout FAIR FIRE PERIL CITED BY JERRELL Chief Asks Cooperation Of All In Preventing And Fighting Blazes Next Week.

DON'T BLOCK STREETS, PLEA Keep Thoroughfares As Uncluttered As Possible To Aid Firemen, Is Request. Plea for cantion in the matter of fires and cooperation with the local fire department in fighting a blaze if one should develop was made this morning by Fire Chief Melvin Jerin connection with the Jackson County Free Fair which will open Monday. "Great care must be taken to prevent fires breaking out in, the, booths which will line the down town streets," Fire Chief Jerrell declared. "These booths are naturally of light. construction and will be readily inflammible.

A blaze starting in one of them would endanger the business district if allowed to. get a start." Care in, disposing of cigarette "butts" i is especially urged by the fire chief as one of these carelessly thrown into the cloth draperies of a booth might cause confusion and discomfort if not actual danger and loss, he said. The streets should be kept cleared as far as possible of bulky ohjects which could not be readily moved out of the way of the fire trucks if the latter are forced to. make a run, Chief Jerrell stated. Cluttered streets would cause that loss of time in getting to a fire which gives the blaze headway needed to make it dangerous and costly.

"The streets will be crowded and the room between the carbs will be ent down by the erection of the booths," Mr. Jerrell pointed out. "Therefore it will be essential that residents of the city, persons in charge of the booths and visitors, too, be on the lookout to prevent fires breaking out and be ready to clear the streets for the fire department if the latter is called out in an emergency." WESTERN UNION TO MOVE INTO HOTEL BUILDING Is Remodeling Room On West. Seeond Street- To, Make Change This Month. The Western Union Telegraph Company is having the ground floor room in the Newsom hotel! building formerly occupied by the Atlantic Pacific Tea Company's store TEn modeled and will move into it this month, it was announced today.

The Western Union office is at present on the second floor of the Hanco*ck building at Second and Chestnut streets. The new room is being thoroughly overhauled and redecorated. New. furniture and fixtures will be installled in order to make it thoroughly modern and the eye. The company has occupied the Hanco*ck building office for many years.

H. EnDaly is permanent manager of the local office and C. M. Hawley is relief manager. Estel Kerrick in me ssenger.

Dance. of P. Hall, Saturday October 17. LUTHERAN CHURCH TO HAVE PROGRAM Twenty-Fifth Anniversary And Home-Coming Of Brownstown Church To Be Held Sunday. WILL BE ALL DAY MEETING Two Former Pastors Will Take Part In The Services- Special Music Is Planned.

The twenty -five anniversary and home -coming of the Evangelical Lutheran St. Peters Church at Brownstown will be held all day Sunday. It will be an all-day meeting with basket dinner at noon and the various committees are sparing no pains to make it the greatest event in the history of the local church. A large attendance is expected, and if the weather. is favorable there will be many from other Lutheran congregations of this and other counties.

Two former pastors are expected to be present and take part in the program of the day, the Rev. Paul Schultz, the first pastor from. 1901 to 1904, now. of Springfield, will preach in German at :10 o'clock a. m.

At 2:30 p. m. the Rev. Pott, of Missouri, will preach in English. The evening -sermon, in English, will be delivered by the Rev.

Otto Schumm, of Centerville, pastor from 1906 to 1919. The program throughout the day will be interspersed by vocal and instrumental music including selections by violin quartette. History of the Evangelical Lutheran St. Peter Congregation, will be read at the morning service. AEROPLANE IS LAUNCHED FROM DIRIGIBLE IN ENGLAND toils The First Time In Aerial History- -Dirigible Was Ini Flight.

By International News Service. Pulham, Oct. 15- -For the first time in aerial history an aeroplane today, was launched from airplane, carried by the dirigible R-33 from a triangular sling underneath the cabin of the dirigible, was successfully launched while the dirigible was in flight. When the pilot of the aeroplane maneuvered in an attempt. to rehook his machine to the dirigible, his plane suffered slight damage and he was forced to make a landing.

Food Sale, Saturday, October 17, in room north of Gold Mine. Chicken and noodles, (hot) home made bread, slaw, baked beans. From 10 to 1 12. September. and October unit of the Alpha Class.

Knights of Pythias. Work in Page Rank Thursday night. Team and all Knights be present. T. R.

Carter, K. R. S. Apples. Winesaps, Rome Beanties and Ganos.

Hall. Orchard formerly Kingston Orchard. Dr. Gillespie's offices: have been moved from over tne Progressive Music Store to second door south of Gold Mines ground floor location. Game -Continual Rain from Fifth Inning.


Henry Rosemeyer, aged 84, died at 10 o'clock Wednesday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Anderson Stradley, 925 West. Oak street, of complications following a year's illness. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Mr.

Rosemeyer was born September 20, 1841, in Germany, He moved to this country and came direet Seymour, July 10, 1867. He lived on a farm west of this city. continuously from that time. He married Miss Louise Rebber in 1869. Besides Mrs.

Stradley, the following children survive: Mrs. Georze Oliver, Henry Rosemeyer and William Rosemeyer, all of Coulbon, Idaho; Charles and Edward. Rosemeyer, of near city. There are twentyeight grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren. A brother in Germany also survives.

Mr. Rosemeyer was a member of the Evangelical Lutheran church in this eity. INFANT VONDIELINGEN DIES Funeral Services Be Held Friday Afternoon. Bernice Olive VonDielingen, two months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Martin- -VonDielingen, died at 12:10 o'clock this morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Buse, near Farmington. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 o'clock Friday afternoon at the Buse residence, the Rev. E.

H. Eggers officiating. Burial will be made in the Lutheran cemetery. a Masonic Notice. Work in E.

A. degree Friday night. All Masons urged to be present. Travis Carter, W. M.

016d Dr. B. S. Shinness has moved his dental office from the First National Bank building to the Vehslage building. Corner Third and Chestnut streets.

03d RHE Wash. 400200010 7 7 2 Pitts. 915 1 By International News Service. Pittsburgh, Oct. 15-The for today's seventh and deciding game of the world series was as lows: PIRATES SENATORS Moore, 2b.

Rice, ef. Carey, ef. S. Harris, 2 Cuyler, rf. Goslin, 1f.

Barnhart, 1f. J. Harris, rt. Traynor, 3b Judge, 1b Wright, ss. Bluege, 3h McInnis, 15 Peckinpaugh, ss Smith, Ruel, Aldridge, p.

Johnson, p. Morrison, P. Kreamer, p. Oldham, p. Gooch Grantham Bighee, 1 If Substituted for Smith in ninth.

Batted for Morrison. Substituted for Barnhart, At plate, McCormick, National: at first base, Moriarity, American; at second base, Rigler National; at third base, Owens, American league. By. International. News Service.

Forbes Field, Pittsburgh, October 15. -Before a frenzied crowd which waited for every movement with abated breath, Pittsburgh won the world's baseball series from Washington here this afternoon by, score of 9 to 7 in the seventh game the series. A crowd estimated at more than 40,000 fans saw the great Pitts. burgh team fight against Bucky Harris' champs with a tenacity that has never been equalled in base ball history. At the smaller.

end of the score during seven innings, Pittsburgh flashed to, victory when three two base hits resulted in the bringing in two scores, Smith, catcher; Bighee, who batted for Kreamer, and Cuyler all knocked the ball for two bases, scoring Bigbee and Moore. This two point lead put the game ice for the Pirates and Washington was not able to rally sufficiently overcome this handicap Peckinpaugh, short stop for Washington, who made eight errors throughout the world's series, cancelled them somewhat when he knocked -the only home run of the seventh game in the eighth ininng. Johnson pitched throughout the game for the losers. Pitching for victors were Aldridge, Morrison, Kreamer and Oldham. Cuyler, centerfielder for Pittsburgh, knocked a foul ball hitting a spectator in the back causing more confusion than injury, It rained continually from the inning to the close of the game, The game, play by play, follows: FIRST INNING.

Notice. Notice! WASHINGTON Rice singled over second; S. Harris flied oht to Barnhart. Goslin walked. J.

Harris walked. Rice advanced to third on wild pitch and Goslin exchanged: to second. Judge goes to first. on base on balls. Rice walks in for first score.

Bluege singles to left scoring Goslin with Harris going to third and Judge advancing to seeond, Morrison now pitching for Pittsburgh. Peckinpaugh hits to Wright -who threw to Moore. A dispute starts over the interference of Smith with Peckinpangh, J. Harris scoring as the result of the dispute. Ruel grounded to Moore who Tumbled.

Judge scored: Johnson famed. (Continued on page 2, column 3.) night.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.