The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

eckwea We are displaying the handsomest line of Neckwear ever brought to Seymour, the choice products of five of the best makers in the country. SEE THEM. SOcts. THE HUB FASHIONABLE OUTFITTERS I Fire Insurance Now is the best time to have your furniture or any other property insured. Don't be WANT ADVERTISING anted irl at restaurant.

tf or ent 4-room cottage, corner Tipton and Popular. tn20d I ouse or ent located. See H. C. Dannettell.

mJdtf ooms or ent or light house! keeping. Inquire 318 E. Fifth St. MR witllOUt Fire Insurance as you will need it some time. Policies issued on short notice.

Geo. Schaefer Real Estate and General Insurance First National Hank Building omato lants i i coreless, from pots, best tomato grown. Phone 58. m20d anted or woman for general housework. Inquire 505 west Fourth St.

mlTdtf Weather Indications. Partly cloudy with probable showers south portion tonight or Wednesday. Robert H. Hall 1 ARCHITECT 725 N. Ewing Seymour, Ind.

Have your Spring and Summer Suit made by SCIARRA BROS. the only tailors iu Seymour, and save agents commission. and clothes cleaned, repaired and altered. 4 S. Chestnut Seymour.

Phone 37. j. F. FICKEN Tin and Slate Roofing, Guttering and Spouting, Cornice Work, Furnace Work, General Repair Work. Phone: flutual 480 W.

Fourth Seymour, Ind. MB EXPERT PIANO TUNING GUARANTEED Arthur F. French SEYMOUR, IND. Drop a Postal and I Will Call- KINDIQ Architect W. 7th SEYMOUR.

0 First Class Tailor 1 and Clothing cleaned, dyed, pressed, repaired and put in tip-top shape. Our motto: Neatness and Promptness We call for work. 468. O. Next Door to Traction Station.

Seymour Temperatures. The following are the maximum and minimum temperatures as shown by the government thermometers at the Seymour volunteer wfeather observation station and reported by J. Robert Blair, observer. are; for twenty-four hours ending at noon: i MAX MIN May 18, 1909, 77 48 A Woman Backbone. History records many instances where a woman has shown that she possessed clear grit called backbone.

She must have, to be able to half kill herself over a wash-tub every week. Women are learning now, however, that if they use Easy Task soap, in the laundry it means half the work done while they rest, the i clothes are cleaner and sweeter, their I hands are not red and ugly, their flannels do not shrink and their linens do 1 not rot. PERSONAL. Charles Leininger made a business trip to this morning in the automobile omnibus. Thomas Carr was here from Vallonia Monday evening anu remained in the city till this morning.

I)r. F. W. DraGoo returned from Franklin Monday where he had been i on a short visit with relatives. Squire William Daly was here from Browustown this morning and made a business trip north on the interurban line.

Mrs. Lynn Faulkconer and Mrs. John Groub went to Aurora this morning as representatives of the Tuesday Club of this city to attend the meeting of the Federated Clubs of the Fourth district. Mrs. Elmer Bollinger and Miss Lula Casey accompanied them as delegates from the Progressive Music Club.

This is the second annual meeting of the clubs and the Seymour ladies will have a prominent part in the program. Mrs. J. H. Carter is chairman of the Federation for the Fourth district.

CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Go on Your Bears the Signature of 1 I i II Will write any kind of INSURANCE Clark B. Davis LOANS NOTARY XOOfe! Individual Tailor-made Clothes at the price of Non-individual Readymade Clothes In Harmony Hall PERSONAL. John Cooper was here from Linton Monday evening. L.

B. Marsh was here from West Reddington Monday. Robert Estep, of Cortland, was in the city Monday evening. i Mrs. Mary Leason, of Columbus, is visiting relatives in this city.

Charles W. Craessle made a business trip to Indianapolis this morn- iug. Mr. and Mrs. M.

Reeves were here from Columbus Monday Miss McDonald, teacher from Chestnut Ridge, was in the city this morning. Editor A. J. Brouheeker, of the Brownstown Banner, was in this city Monday evening. Miss Blanche Eacret came up from Crothersville this morning and went to Mark Williams made a business trip to Brownstown this morning by the automobile route.

Mr. Bottorff, of the Bottorff Bros, at Cortland, was transacting business in this city this morning. Mrs. Sophia Roseberry and her daughter, Mrs. Callaway, went to North Vernon this morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Whitcomb, of the Surprise neighborhood, were in this city late Monday afternoon. Dr. Claud Murray was here from Reddington this morning and returned home on the eleven o'clock car.

Albert Cordes was here from Indi- I anapolis this morning and made a business trip east on the B. O. S- Mrs. C. Floraerfelt has returned to her home at Cincinnati after spending a week with her daughter-in-law, Mrs.

Anna Flomerfelt. Bert Bottorff has returned to St. Louis after being here a few days the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tnonias Bottorff and family.

Mrs. F. DraGoo and children returned home from Franklin this morning where they have been visiting relatives for the past week. Frank Trotter, agent for the Adams Express Company at this place, spent Sunday in Indianapolis, the guest of his brother-in-law, Marion Hamblin, and wife. Miss Gertie Stiles, of Shoals, was taken through this city Monday en route to Indianapolis where she was to undergo a surgical operation in one of the hospitals.

Mrs. J. B. Shepard and Mrs. Frank Bretthauer have gone to Indianapolis to attend the grand assembly of the Rehekah lodge as representatives of the Seymour Rebekah Lodge.

Mrs. Ed Aufderheide, of Indianapolis avenue, has returned home'' from attending a convention of Pythian Sisters at New Albany and visiting a week with relatives and friends. Mrs. Arthur P. Carter and little daughter, Anna Holland, returned home from Louisville Monday evening where they have visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Becker since Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Winkenhofer and son, Carl, have returned to their home at Dorcyville, La.

after spend-1 ing several days here tte guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Winkenhofer. William Wallace is here from Tennessee on a short visit with his daughter, Mrs. George Murray and other relatives.

He will return to the south in a short time where he is engaged in business. Mrs. Herman Chambers, of Seymour, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patterson, of Fourth Mrs.

Elizabeth Prall, of Seymour, is the guest of relatives in Herald. Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, of Versailles, and Mrs. Henry C. Jones, of Washington, D.

are spending the week I in this city the guests of the son, Attorney Frank S. Jones, and family, of N. Walnut street. Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Clendenen left Monday for Bedford to visit her parents a few days before leaving for Springfield, and Gardner, 111., where they will spend two or three weeks visiting relatives and friends. Dr. T. M. Hunt, who was formerly located in this city, passed through Seymour this morning on the interurban line en route from Henryville where he has been endeavoring to organize a stock company and put in a sanitarium.

Mr. and Mrs. David Moses have returned to their home at Cincinnati after being here to visit their son, Will Moses and wife and to witness some of the performances of the Burleigh Cash Stock Company with which their son, Ed Moses, was one of the actors. Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel V. Harding arrived home Monday evening after spending the winter at Thomasville, and at other places in the south. Miss Lula Alberring, who has been with them all winter, arrived home Saturday but Mr. and Mrs. Harding were a day or two later on account of stopping at Birmingham, Ala.

for a brief visit. They have all had a delightful outing. FOUR MEN SHOT IN INDIANA FEUD Father and Son Killed, and Father and Son Wounded. FENCE FEUD ENOS IN DEATH Two Prominent Families Near mond Long Disputing Over Boundary Between Their Farms, Met at the Scene of Contention and In the tle Which Followed Alexander Meek and His Son Raymond Were Slain and Frank Railsback and His Son Received Serious Wounds. Richmond, May a result of a feud between the Meek and Railsback families, two miles west of I the city on the National road, over a line fence, a bloody battle was frfught in which Alexander Meek and son.

Raymond, were instantly killed, each being shot in the head with buckshot, Frank Railsback, and his son, Frank, were seriously wounded. former was shot in the thigh the atter in the left leg, tearing off the kneecap. Meek was killed by Joel Railsback, who surrendered to the sheriff after hurrying to Richmond. Railsback. and his three sons started to tear down the disputed fence1 when the Meeks arrived and opened fire, Frank, and Frank, fall- i ing, badly wounded.

Joel then replied with two well directed shots, instantly killing both the Meeks. Mrs. Railsback, who was watching! the work of tearing down the fence, gaved the life of her son, Larkin, when he was covered by Raymond shotgun, by jumping in front of him. Raymond then turned the weapon 011 Frank Railsback, shooting off his kneecap. All the principals in the affair are prominent farmers.

Frank Railsback, said that his son Joel had killed Alexander and Raymond Meek in defense of his and mother. Joel saw that the! shot from Raymond gun had wounded my son said the elder Railsback, then saw that Alexander Meek had his revolver leveled at me and mother, he thought it was time to shoot and he did shoot. It was just in time to save our lives. I could relate a long story of thej troubles we have had about that fence, but 1 can say nothing more until I have talked with my the county jail Joel Railsback: simply said: shot in th Never Falls fa Restore Gray Hair to Its Natural Color and Beauty. No matter how long it has been gray or faded.

Stops its falling out, and positively removes Dandruff. Refuse all substitutes. Is not a dye. $1 and 50c. at druggists, by mall.

Send 2c for free book Care of the Philo Hay Spec. Newark, N. J. they are represented by eighteen of the best-known legal firms in Lake county and Chicago. Lilac, Carnation, Violet, Heliotrope and Rose.

The fragrance of these queens of the flower garden are found in the popular SYLVAN Soap at The price is lOcts, 3 for 25cts. If you enjoy a glass of soda water that a taste to it. try a glass at our ever popular fountain. Five cents. JOLLY TRIAL COMPLETED Evidence Ended and Case Given to Jury Today.

Danville. May trial of Robert Jolly for the murder of his daughter is ended and the case is now with the jury. Jolly protested be-; cause he was not called on to testify. He declared to the court he is not insane; that he killed his daughter, but had repented and been forgiven and he desired to go on the witness stand, tell his story and take the consequences. Governor Declines Invitation.

Indianapolis, May Marshall has sent a letter to the secretary of Tammany club, of New York, declining an invitation to address the! club at its annual meeting, July 4. The Invitation came to the governor as a result of his speech before the National Democratic club, in New in April. The governor is avoiding, as much as possible, making speaking! arrangements of a political nature: Aside from this, the press of official duties makes it impossible for him to go, he said. Killed by Street Car. Indianapolis, May B.

Genelia, twenty-four years old, an expert motorcyclist from Washington D. was instantly killed last night; when a south bound Illinois street; car struck the-machine he was riding: in front of the Hotel Majestic. FOR SALE Good 55 acre farm on the interurban road, near Seymour. 4 room house and good barn and all necessary outbuildings. Young orchard.

Must be sold soon. $3,200.00. See E. C. BOLLING Eli, Agent.

PHONES: Residence 5, Office No. ISO. 'T'HE IN IV1 A LIFE ENDOWMENT CO. has come to Seymoui to tell you the reasons why. Investigate our pension system of payment.

YOU WILL ASK- US, YOU? W. Pfaffenberger Block. Agent; BAGGAGE And light freight transferred. Phone 468 One door east of Interurhan Station, Seymour A. T.

FOSTER CONGDON DURHAM, Fire, Tornado, Liability, Accident and Sick Benefit INSURANCE Real Estate, Rental Agency Prompt Attention to All Business FOR SALE 1000 Fence Posts 500 Cords of Wood RICH LAND AT STAKE Two Million Dollars Worth of Prop. erty Involved in Gary Suit. Hammond, May case of John Gunzenhauser and the Gary Land company vs. Susan W. Sinclair et ah, involving the title to more than $2,000,000 worth of property in the heart of the business district of Gary, in what has come to be known as the famous Section 10, which was to have been called to trial before Special Judge Joseph M.

Robb, of Williamsport, at Crown Point, May 24, has been continued until July 5, when it will be tried during a special term before Special Judge of Logansport-. The case is the most important suit to quiet title that has ever been filed in Lake county and possibly in the state. It directly affects 020 of the 640 acres in this section. In nil there are 190 defendants in this and This. We offer One Hundred Dollars 1 Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Catarrh Cure.

F. J. CHENEY A Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J.

Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga- lions made by his firm. Walding. Kinnan A Marvin. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo O. Catarrh Cure is taken in- tern ally, acting directly upon the blood add mucous surfaces of the system.

Testimonials sent free. 75c. per botile. Sold by all druggists. Take family Pills for constipa- tion.

iV ig GEO. SCHAEFER First National Bank BItig. Ladies and Gentlemen Take your old clothes to THE SEYMOUR TAILORS And have them put in first class wearing condition. NORTH CHESTN STREET Next door north of New Pearl Laundry ANNA E. CARTER NOTARY PUBLIC Office at the Daily epublican office, 108 West Second Street.

SEYMOUR, INDIANA. YOU should get out your last summer's clothes and let us fix them you. litre are our prices: PRESSING A Suits, Ladies ......................................75 ,5, 15 4, 05 CLEANING AND PRESSING. i 1.25 SUQIE MILLS MATLOCK Piano Teacher, i Res. Studio: 521 N.

Chestnut St. I eymour I ndiana Waists Hats Panama DYEING Suits Gentle .50 25 .50 SPRING HAT POINTERS LEWIS (5c A I LS LAWYERS SEYMOUR, INDIANA -I- -I- -1- -IV -h -I- -I- T. M. JACKSON, I 104 W. SECOND ST.

4- 4-4-4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4-4- Jeweler I Optician The Hat is the Top-off of good dressing. Our New Spring Hats have been selected with an eye to the smartest detail. The Handsomest Hats the best Hatters make are here. Spring Blocks in Stiff to $3.00. Spring Blocks in Soft to $4.00.

All of the New Shapes in Straws are ready for your choosing. A CLOTHING COMPANY BATHS Take Turkish Salt-glow Baths for all kinds of Lnng Trouble. 4HLERPS TURKISH BATH ROOMS ELMER E. DUNLAP, ARCHITECT State Lite Bldg. INDIANAPOLIS.

Branch Office: Columbus Good Teeth a Necessity TO ENJOY LIFE Note the following reasonable prices: workmanship guaranteed Set of Teeth $8.00 Gold Crowns, (22K) $5.00 Bridge Work $5.00 Fillings, 75 cents and up. Extracting Painless with Nitrous Oxide Gas. Examination Free. Dr. R.

G. Hans No. 7 West Second Seymour. Ind..

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.